Monday, May 10, 2021

You Will Be My Witnesses


Just a few thoughts

·         St Damien of Molokai has been a person of lasting memory since my teenage years when I first learnt about his life.

·         It is a strange paradox but the message of Christian love and forgiveness, the message of peace and justice is found by many to be very threatening and must be attacked.

·         Apparently the State Government has decided not to force a vote on the ‘Voluntary Assisted Dying’ bill. So let us all take this opportunity to let our members of Parliament know  of our concerns.


ü Who belongs?

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  On April 30 I mentioned a conference called Mission—one heart, many voices.  Here is another talk from the 2019 conference that I found very valuable and informative. The Video

Musical Reflection

¯ Bridge Over Troubled Water

¯ One Voice

Bits & Pieces

v  1841   Sir George Grey

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