Sunday, May 2, 2021

Abide in me as I abide in you

Just a few thoughts

·         Josephite Companions: The Josephite Companion Movement (formerly Associates) stemmed from the teaching of the second Vatican Council with its vision of Church and community. Companions are women and men from all walks of life who are drawn to the spirit of Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods.

Yesterday we joined a group of Josephite Companions to visit Kapunda and learn about its links to Mary MacKillop and the Josephite history. What an interesting story that was!

·         Msgr John Swann, our loved former parish priest, was our host. We do miss him! He sent hearty greetings to all Tranmere parishioners.

·         He led us on a tour of the area highlighting the Josephite history, celebrated the feast of St Joseph The Worker with us, including a homily that focussed wonderfully on the application in modern life of the great character of St Joseph.

·         We thank the Kapunda parishioners who made us so very welcome.


ü We depend on other people in a thousand ways. Our Christian faith celebrates this and reveals its ultimate depth. Even the Persons of the Trinity depend on one another. To live, through Christ, in the heart of that mystery is our destiny.


ü We must abandon entirely the idea that we “earn” God’s love by our “good deeds”. God does not love me because I am good; I am good because God’s love is working in and through me to others.

Musical Reflection

¯ By Our Love

¯ Vine And Branches

Bits & Pieces

v  1904  --  East End Markets


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