Sunday, May 9, 2021


Just a few thoughts

·         There are a thousand ways to be a mother

“I know women who mother with their every phone call, card, or message to the child of someone they love, with their every visit, every special trip to the cinema, every shoulder they offer to someone to cry on, every wise bit of hard-learned advice they share.
There are a thousand ways to mother, a thousand kinds of mother and they don’t all look like the ones in your Facebook feed.
So — to all the women who provide love and care and support for children: the aunts and the best friends, the neighbours and the kindergarten teachers, the co-workers and the carers, those with, without or around children, today is a day for you too.
You are all the mothers of the kids of the world. Happy Mother’s Day.”  --  Virginia Trioli


ü The Spirit Empowers Us to Love

ü Sunday Homily – Fr Frank Brennan

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Gone for Good?  --  John Foley

Musical Reflection

¯ You Raise Me Up

¯ You’ve Got A Friend

Bits & Pieces

v  Feast of St Louise de Marillac, who was the co-founder, with Vincent de Paul, of the Daughters of Charity.

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