Friday, May 28, 2021

"Have faith in God."


Just a few thoughts

·         We are celebrating Reconciliation Week. It is a crucial aspect of Australia’s history.  I strongly recommend that we really and truly study this issue to reach a just understanding of our responsibilities to recognise the need to seek a considered treaty with the Indigenous Peoples of this country.

·         This is a rather heavy set of links. They are crucial to our real understanding of the nature of the rights of Indigenous Peoples in their own lands! Please do take the time to learn more about this issue.

·         Dreaming of a reconciled Australia

·         Treaties

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Prayer is not a magic wand or a way to ask God to be at one’s service, Pope Francis said.

Prayer is a humble dialogue with God to grow spiritually and discover his will for the world.

In prayer, it is God who must convert us, not we who must convert God,” he said.

Ø  Common Grace/Treaty

Musical Reflection

¯ Treaty

¯ Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu - Wiyathul

¯ Didgeridoo Meets Orchestra

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