Friday, March 5, 2021

We are entrusted with God’s vineyard

Just a few thoughts

·         World Day of Prayer today  --  10am at Morialta Uniting Church; Chapel St. Magill.

·         There are many stories about the lack of justice and equality for women in our society. Some incredible speeches have been made . Next Monday is International Women’s Day

·         I understand that a march is being organised in support of March 4 Justice  on March 15

·         Still Listening To The Spirit is a 2019 book containing a collection of essays discussing justice and the participation of women in the Church. I have a copy, if anyone wants to read it.
I wonder how much attention will be given to the role of women in the Plenary Council?


ü  This is not just a story about a comfortable ‘long ago’; it is for the Church of today. If we are not “producing the goods,” others will. “God has left the building,” said Bono. Many people, experiencing lack of community and spiritual support in their parishes, are looking to new religions and cults for support.  Read More

ü  God is trusting us with his vineyard

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  JobSeeker needs to provide a reasonable safety net

Ø  Educating children about consent

Musical Reflection

¯ Turn to the Living God

¯ Open Our Eyes/Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus/Open My Eyes, That I May See

Bits & Pieces

1963  --  Patsy Cline died in a plane crash

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