Saturday, March 27, 2021

“This man is performing many signs.”

Just a few thoughts

·         Would we have been any different if we had been there?
If we are honest, we would see ourselves as not wishing to upset the status quo, to stand out from the crowd. Wanting to be like all the rest we would, most likely, have followed the chief priest and avoided upsetting the Roman authorities.


·         "Walking our Faith"  --  Palm Sunday

The walk that Jesus took was entered into not lightly nor selfishly; rather, in covenantal relationship with God. He stepped forward with God, with certainty of action. He walked onwards, knowing he was not welcomed by all. Jesus highlighted injustice, supported the vulnerable and poor, welcomed strangers, was hospitable to those who were set aside, offered hope where hope had foundered or was even decimated. His certainty and inner strength of right heart and right soul, right thinking and right action, modelled a new way of being. As we walk in our faith journey, it may put us at odds with wider society - with regards to the vulnerable and disposed; where we highlight inequalities or unjust practices; where the economy of people and earth trump the economy of power and money; where recognition, reconciliation and restitution with our First Peoples calls for change in governing and political practices; when we stand firm on non-violence, sustainable, ethical environmental practices, and continuing to speak out for those who have lost their voice. This Palm Sunday, let us honour our covenant with God, step forward and walk our faith.  --  SA Council of Churches

·         Palm Sunday Peace Walk


ü  Help us to build the kingdom in the way you taught us

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  New paths for our Church

Musical Reflection

¯ Hosanna to the Son of David

¯ The Palms by Jean-Baptiste Faure

¯ How deep the Father's love

Bits & Pieces

1972  --  Death of M.C. Escher


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