Monday, March 15, 2021

Reflect, today, upon our own level of faith and trust

Just a few thoughts

·         March for Justice  --  Today 15 March, 12noon;  Victoria Square / Tarntanyangga

·         Saint Louise de Marillac is the Patron Saint of Social workers

·         Albert Einstein once said, ‘The world is dangerous to live in, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and let them do so.’


ü  According to John, eternal life begins as soon as we attach ourselves in total trust to Jesus and to his Way.

ü  Sunday Homily  --  Fr Frank Brennan

ü  God who neither needs nor wants our sacrifices became flesh simply and solely to draw us into all-encompassing love.

ü  Pope Francis:-
God loves each one of us even when we err and distance ourselves from him.
God the Father so loves the world that, to save it, gave what is most precious to him: his Only-Begotten Son, who gives his life for all, rises, returns to the Father, and together with him sends the Holy Spirit. The Trinity, therefore, is Love, altogether at the service of the world, which it wishes to save and recreate. Today, thinking of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we think of God’s love!
And it would be good if we felt ourselves loved. ‘God loves me’ this is today’s sentiment.

This is the Christian life. To love, encounter God, seek God, but he seeks us first, he meets us first.

Musical Reflection

¯ Enter the Journey

¯ There is a Longing

Bits & Pieces

v  The Ides of March – Assassination of Julius Caesar – 44BC
Ides’ referred to the first full moon of a given month. The’Ides of March’ once signified the new year, which meant celebrations and rejoicing.

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