Monday, March 1, 2021

Be Merciful

Just a few thoughts

·         Enjoy The Journey

When you are a young person, you are like a young creek, and you meet many rocks, many obstacles and difficulties on your way. You hurry to get past these obstacles and get to the ocean.
But as the creek moves down through the fields, it becomes larger and calmer and it can enjoy the reflection of the sky. It's wonderful.
You will arrive at the sea anyway so enjoy the journey. Enjoy the sunshine, the sunset, the moon, the birds, the trees, and the many beauties along the way.
Taste every moment of your daily life.  --  Thích Nhất Hanh

·        Zero Discrimination Day

·        Do we know any good candidates to join the Parish Pastoral Council?


ü  “Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate.”

ü  Prayers of the People

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Seven Pathways to Wisdom  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Musical Reflection

¯ Be Merciful

¯ Loving and Forgiving

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