Saturday, March 6, 2021

I cannot refuse to love someone that God loves.

Just a few thoughts

·         Fr Henri Nouwen wrote a whole book reflecting on this famous painting by Rembrandt - The Return of the Prodigal Son.  I had a copy of the book and gave it away. It never came back.

·         The son that comes back, destitute and famished, is hugged by an old man, with two different hands: one, from the father that holds him tight; the other, from the mother, sweet and tender, that caresses him. God is Father and Mother...

·         Sheila attended the World Day of Prayer yesterday with 4 other parishioners. She loved the service and the conversations afterwards!


ü  The Merciful Father: Always ready to greet a prodigal son  --  This is a long reflection, but a good one.

ü  A short reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Seeing beyond the walls

Ø  An Invitation To Something Higher  --  Fr Ron Rolheiser

Musical Reflection

¯ Let Us Be Known by Our Love

¯ The Prodigal Son Song

¯ ‘Don’t Let Go’

¯ Not a hymn but certainly full of “Higher Love” energy

Bits & Pieces

v  1897  --  Sir Thomas Elder

v  1475  --  Birth of  Michelangelo—who exerted an unparalleled influence on Western sculpturepainting, and architecture and whose works rank among the most famous in existence—was born in the Republic of Florence.

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