Monday, March 22, 2021

Mercy is God's kind of justice

Just a few thoughts

·         Wasn’t the homily of Mgr Cappo a refreshing reflection about humility.

·         Weren’t Julie and Neale a wonderful musical duo enhancing the celebration of the Eucharist.

·         Wasn’t the Morning Tea a great event of the spirit of parish community.

·         Let us all get the Vaccine against Covid as soon as possible to bring parish life to what it was.

·         World Water Day, which recalls the threat caused by global warming to river systems and so to the water supply on which we rely in order to stay alive.   --  our environment.  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton.


ü  Pope Francis - And thus Jesus opens a new path before her, created by mercy, a path that requires her to commitment not to sin again. It is an invitation that applies to each one of us. When Jesus forgives us, he always opens a new path on which to go forward

ü  God's Pleasure in Our Action  --  Fr Ron Rolheiser

The Signs Of The Times

v  Sunday Homily  from Fr Frank Brennan

Musical Reflection

¯ Be with Me, Lord

¯ The Cross of Jesus

Bits & Pieces

1957  --  "All Shook Up" single released by Elvis Presley

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