Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Word becomes flesh today and makes his dwelling among us

Just a few thoughts

·         The Annunciation of the Lord

·         Today at 7:30pm at the Hectorville Parish Church - Penitential Service & Individual Confessions.

·         Somewhere I read this“The meaning of ‘world’ for John refers to everything around us which cannot be identified with God or Jesus. It is that part of our environment which speaks and acts in a way that is contrary to the Spirit of Jesus and the vision of Jesus for the world. Jesus does not identify himself with that ‘world’ nor does he want any of his disciples to identify with it either. Their mission is to change it, to shine his Light on it.”
The teachings of Jesus, Gospel values, are articulated in Catholic Social Teaching principles.


ü  Good way to view Good Friday tradition  --   See it here:  a virtual Way of the Cross

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Fasting: appetites  --  Fr Richard Leonard

Musical Reflection

¯ Be Joyful, Mary, Heavenly Queen

¯ Gabriel's Message

Bits & Pieces

v  “If we try, we may still fail. But if we do not try, we cannot possibly succeed.”  --  Christine Milne

v  1877  --  Death of Caroline Chisholm

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