Wednesday, March 31, 2021

‘Will you lay down your life for me?

Just a few thoughts

·         The bushfire survivors our government forgot | The Aftermath


Living Space reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  From exile we return  --  Fr Richard Leonard

Ø  Forgiveness demands three new simultaneous “seeings”: I must see God in the other; I must access God in myself; and I must experience God in a new way that is larger than an “enforcer.” That is a whole new world seen in three dimensions  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Musical Reflection

¯ Stabat Mater - Pergolesi   --  More about Stabat Mater

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Will you lay down your life for me?

Just a few thoughts

·         We have free will and we are given the same ability that Judas had to accept the love of Jesus or to reject it. We can let His loving gift of salvation and grace enter our lives or refuse it. It’s 100% up to us.

·         Refugee advocates rally for justice  --  CathNews


ü  A sad moment in the Gospel: double betrayal.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Plenary Council - Catholic Church must embrace 'synodality'  --  The Tablet, UK

Ø  Modern Stations of the Cross from Busted Halo

Musical Reflection

¯ An Upper Room

¯ Help Me Lord

¯ In Christ Alone - instrumental

Monday, March 29, 2021

May this week’s celebration of the paschal mysteries bring our faith to new life.

Just a few thoughts

·         The Palm Sunday Peace Walk was a wonderful spiritual exercise. It also drew our attention once again to the issues of our First Nation People, the Refugees in our midst and the realities of Climate Change


ü  It was through his gift that Judas fell: he was good at accounts, and he was put in charge of them. From that moment, it may be, he saw the world in terms of money. Certainly he saw Mary's loving gesture only as a waste of money.

ü  Am I willing to be a martyr-witness for Christ, to stand beside him on the cross as he is mocked and insulted? This is the week for me to find the answer to that question.

The Signs Of The Times

·         Palm Sunday Homily – Fr Frank Brennan

Musical Reflection

¯ Laudate Dominum

¯ May it Be  

Sunday, March 28, 2021

“Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

Just a few thoughts

·         The Roman captain said “Truly, this man was the Son of God”
His is the view of humanity that merely contemplates but does nothing.
Jesus emptied himself in service of humanity. Just like Jesus we also have to be ready to empty ourselves in love for him by being totally at the service of our brothers and sisters.


ü  The Christian faith without the Cross is nothing.

ü  Pope Francis - Jesus suffered betrayal by the disciple who sold him and by the disciple who denied him. He was betrayed by the people who sang hosanna to him and then shouted: “Crucify him!” (Mt 27:22). He was betrayed by the religious institution that unjustly condemned him and by the political institution that washed its hands of him.
We can think of all the big or small betrayals we have suffered in life. It is terrible to discover that a well-founded trust has been betrayed. From deep within our heart a disappointment surges up that can even make life seem meaningless. This happens because we were born to be loved and to love, and the most painful thing is to be betrayed by someone who promised to be loyal and close to us. We cannot even imagine how painful it was for God who is love.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  We keep thinking that we will bring peace by killing others in war; Jesus showed us that we bring peace by dying for others.

Musical Reflection

¯ What Wondrous Love is This

¯ Pie Jesu by Gabriel Fauré  --  Voces8

Saturday, March 27, 2021

“This man is performing many signs.”

Just a few thoughts

·         Would we have been any different if we had been there?
If we are honest, we would see ourselves as not wishing to upset the status quo, to stand out from the crowd. Wanting to be like all the rest we would, most likely, have followed the chief priest and avoided upsetting the Roman authorities.


·         "Walking our Faith"  --  Palm Sunday

The walk that Jesus took was entered into not lightly nor selfishly; rather, in covenantal relationship with God. He stepped forward with God, with certainty of action. He walked onwards, knowing he was not welcomed by all. Jesus highlighted injustice, supported the vulnerable and poor, welcomed strangers, was hospitable to those who were set aside, offered hope where hope had foundered or was even decimated. His certainty and inner strength of right heart and right soul, right thinking and right action, modelled a new way of being. As we walk in our faith journey, it may put us at odds with wider society - with regards to the vulnerable and disposed; where we highlight inequalities or unjust practices; where the economy of people and earth trump the economy of power and money; where recognition, reconciliation and restitution with our First Peoples calls for change in governing and political practices; when we stand firm on non-violence, sustainable, ethical environmental practices, and continuing to speak out for those who have lost their voice. This Palm Sunday, let us honour our covenant with God, step forward and walk our faith.  --  SA Council of Churches

·         Palm Sunday Peace Walk


ü  Help us to build the kingdom in the way you taught us

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  New paths for our Church

Musical Reflection

¯ Hosanna to the Son of David

¯ The Palms by Jean-Baptiste Faure

¯ How deep the Father's love

Bits & Pieces

1972  --  Death of M.C. Escher


Friday, March 26, 2021

You have the words of everlasting life.

Just a few thoughts

·         "The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science."  --  Albert Einstein


·         Give justice to the weak and fatherless, maintain the right of the afflicted and destitute, rescue the weak and needy.’ These are the signs of being sons and daughters of God.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  National SVDP  --  “A parliamentary inquiry, extensive research and the recent COVID-19 experience all demonstrate the benefits of increasing the base rate of JobSeeker and Youth Allowance,” Ms Victory said.  “The social service sector, academics and big business all support a higher rate, but the federal Government has failed to act appropriately.”  --  CathNews

Ø  Four Aboriginal deaths in custody this March

Musical Reflection

¯ Hosanna to the Son of David

¯ Glory In the Cross - Dan Schutte

¯ Come and journey with our Saviour

Bits & Pieces

v  1975: Biological Weapons Convention

v  Kaurna Cultural Walk through of Wadmore Park/Pulyonna Wirra, 52-54 Maryvale Road, Athelstone

Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Word becomes flesh today and makes his dwelling among us

Just a few thoughts

·         The Annunciation of the Lord

·         Today at 7:30pm at the Hectorville Parish Church - Penitential Service & Individual Confessions.

·         Somewhere I read this“The meaning of ‘world’ for John refers to everything around us which cannot be identified with God or Jesus. It is that part of our environment which speaks and acts in a way that is contrary to the Spirit of Jesus and the vision of Jesus for the world. Jesus does not identify himself with that ‘world’ nor does he want any of his disciples to identify with it either. Their mission is to change it, to shine his Light on it.”
The teachings of Jesus, Gospel values, are articulated in Catholic Social Teaching principles.


ü  Good way to view Good Friday tradition  --   See it here:  a virtual Way of the Cross

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Fasting: appetites  --  Fr Richard Leonard

Musical Reflection

¯ Be Joyful, Mary, Heavenly Queen

¯ Gabriel's Message

Bits & Pieces

v  “If we try, we may still fail. But if we do not try, we cannot possibly succeed.”  --  Christine Milne

v  1877  --  Death of Caroline Chisholm

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

“The process of “letting go” of sin requires true sacrifice and commitment.

Just a few thoughts

·         The feast of St Oscar Romero

·         Saint Oscar Romero’s Story


ü  We can say with confidence that, if we do not find being a Christian a liberating experience here and now, we do not really understand the true nature of our Christian faith.

ü  Pope Francis  --  Often one is distracted by too many interests, by too many things that catch our attention. It is difficult to distinguish the Lord’s voice among the many voices and words. It is the only one that makes us free. This is why it is important to accustom oneself to listen to the Word of God, to read it

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Ministry to families must meet their real needs  --  Pope Francis

Musical Reflection

¯ Pater Noster · The Monks of Glenstal Abbey

¯ Kyrie Eleison

Bits & Pieces

v  "A rose is not its thorns, a peach is not its fuzz, and a human being is not his or her crankiness."  --  Lisa Kogan

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

“Who are you?” - I am “the Way, the Truth, and the Life”

Just a few thoughts

·       Archbishop Patrick O’Regan has called for State Parliament to improve end of life care instead of legalising assisted suicide

·       Vinnies House of Welcome  --  Southern Cross

·       World Meteorological Day, which celebrates the scientists who track and publicise the heating of the world and its effects.  .   --  our environment.  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton.


ü  We must come to realize that the Father has sent us. We each have a mission in life. Do you realize that? Do you realize that you have a very specific mission and calling from God? Yes, it may entail very ordinary parts of life such as chores around the house, the daily grind of work, the building up of your family relationships, etc. Our daily lives are filled with ordinary activities that make up the will of God.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  How do we value humanity?  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton

Musical Reflection

¯ 1743  --  George Frideric Handel's oratorio "Messiah" premieres in London

Monday, March 22, 2021

Mercy is God's kind of justice

Just a few thoughts

·         Wasn’t the homily of Mgr Cappo a refreshing reflection about humility.

·         Weren’t Julie and Neale a wonderful musical duo enhancing the celebration of the Eucharist.

·         Wasn’t the Morning Tea a great event of the spirit of parish community.

·         Let us all get the Vaccine against Covid as soon as possible to bring parish life to what it was.

·         World Water Day, which recalls the threat caused by global warming to river systems and so to the water supply on which we rely in order to stay alive.   --  our environment.  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton.


ü  Pope Francis - And thus Jesus opens a new path before her, created by mercy, a path that requires her to commitment not to sin again. It is an invitation that applies to each one of us. When Jesus forgives us, he always opens a new path on which to go forward

ü  God's Pleasure in Our Action  --  Fr Ron Rolheiser

The Signs Of The Times

v  Sunday Homily  from Fr Frank Brennan

Musical Reflection

¯ Be with Me, Lord

¯ The Cross of Jesus

Bits & Pieces

1957  --  "All Shook Up" single released by Elvis Presley

Sunday, March 21, 2021

This voice has come for your sake, not for mine.

Just a few thoughts

·         March is full of days that focus on our environment.  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton
International Day of Forests


ü  I will write my Law in their hearts

ü  Mahatma Gandhi reflects the same as «the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others».

ü  Seeing Jesus

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  God’s Love Is Evolutionary  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Musical Reflection

¯ In These Days of Lenten Journey

¯ Create in Me

¯ Change Our Hearts

Bits & Pieces

v  1685  --  German composer Johann Sebastian Bach, who is generally considered the greatest composer of all time, was born.

v  1965  --   One of the most popular musical films of all time, "The Sound of Music", starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, is released (Academy Awards Best Picture 1966.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Seek out His voice of conviction and clarity.

Just a few thoughts

·         International Day of Happiness  --  The shape of our relationships  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton

·         National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

·         14 months ago the Sex Discrimination Commissioner published the “Respect@Work” report. It had 55 recommendations. That report has been sitting on the attorney-general’s desk without implementation. “We don’t want any more reports. The women of Australia want some action.”


ü  We need to reflect on our own prejudices and short-sightedness.

ü  May I be attentive to Your unmistakable Voice and to the authority with which You speak.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  The God of Welcome  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Ø  MPs urged not to legalise euthanasia  --  CathNews

Musical Reflection

¯ Gregorian Chants

Bits & Pieces

v  Happy World Frog Day!  --  Link 1  --  Link 2

Friday, March 19, 2021

Joseph knew, with a certainty beyond human reason, that the voice of God had spoken to him and he responded with generous faith.

Just a few thoughts

·         Yesterday was Close The Gap Day. Indigenous People - constitutional recognition and Voice to Parliament

·         Feast of Saint Joseph (19 March)  --  the Sisters of St Joseph

·         The women’s march was a huge success. Now comes the hard part: how to actually get something done


ü  Joseph, a support and guide in times of trouble

ü  Joseph must have been a very successful father.

ü  The Stations of the Cross  --  St Joseph’s Church Tranmere

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Questions of courage and risk  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton

Ø  Loving the “True You”  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Musical Reflection

I have no hymns about St Joseph for you.The hymns I did find were in my humble opinion just terrible.

¯ Lord's Prayer sung by Denyce Graves

¯ Kyrie Eleison, Gregorian Chant

¯ We Venerate Thy Cross

Bits & Pieces

v  1927  --  Caroline Herbig  --  The Herbig Tree today


Thursday, March 18, 2021

Where do we ultimately put our faith? In the Christ of the New Testament or in a Jesus we have tailored to our own wants?

Just a few thoughts

·         Today is Close The Gap Day – yes, another day to remind us that Indigenous Peoples are disadvantaged under our colonial style ‘supervision’! Here is a reflective prayer.

·         I subscribe to the Columban eBulletin. There is always an article that will make me think about things  --  What it means to be Australian?

·         Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted, when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy or too frightened, when we fail to speak up and speak out, we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice.  --  Robert F. Kennedy


ü  There are so many things that fill our days and give us purpose

ü  For those of us who have not had the privilege of visiting the Holy Land here is a video giving some insight into the “Way of The Cross”

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Truth and Treaties: the ongoing legacy of the Uluru statement

Ø  Love Is Life-Giving  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Ø  An Unlikely Affinity  --  Ron Rolheiser

Musical Reflection

¯ Blest Be the Lord  --  Dan Schutt

¯ Open My Eyes, Lord

Bits & Pieces

v  1954  --  The Royal Visit

v  1922  --  British magistrates in India sentence Mahatma Gandhi to 6 years imprisonment for disobedience

v  1834  --  Six farm labourers from Tolpuddle, Dorset, England are sentenced to be transported to Australia for forming a trade union