Thursday, January 21, 2021

They came to him in great numbers

Just a few thoughts

·        This blog and the email letters that came before it, have been very enriching for me in my own faith journey. In a way its focus has become a personal sharing rather than addressing needs of readers.

·        Yesterday I was browsing through the “Australian Catholics” magazine summer edition. I think it is a great magazine. You can pick up free copies from our parish church.
It has a reflection entitled “A letter to Simone Weil”. The reflection ended with  “Yes, we are far from perfect. Our very imperfection is where God attends to us.”
It struck me that if we had been created perfectly or evolved perfectly we would be like God!
Perhaps we are like distorted mirror images of God and if we follow the advice of Jesus we may become a more accurate image of God. The trouble is that God created us with the gift of Free Will. Our ego gets in the way!


ü They were coming for their own immediate needs and not as true followers. They came to get, not to give or share.

ü This is a good reading for people who tend to over-stretch themselves and feel guilty if they are not always working frantically.  Read More

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  UN countries challenge Australia's Indigenous incarceration record in human rights review

Ø  Telling a New Story  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Musical Reflection

¯ Take The Word Of God With You

¯ You Are the Way

Bits & Pieces

v  1903  --  Captain Collet Barker

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