Saturday, January 9, 2021

“He must increase; I must decrease.”

Just a few thoughts

¯ We were created with the gift of free will. We make choices that feed our own self-centred ego; or choices that benefit the lives of others, the common good.
Jesus gives us the answer – Love Thy Neighbour. May our free will be Christ’s will.

¯ Yesterday I mentioned that many Catholic bishops, priests, etc were part of the USA debacle at Capitol Hill.
Today I read this editorial from a major USA Catholic media organisation. Incredible!

¯ Are we in Australia on a similar pathway?  There seems to be little public trust in our ‘democratic’ system.


The True Patterns of the Universe  --  Fr Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The Eucharist in a time of pandemic – This is from a letter in the UK Catholic weekly “The Tablet. I’m not sure if the web page is accessible to the public.
Attending Mass on livestream at home. My wife, son and I have taken up bread and wine to offer up as the priest on livestream consecrates the bread and wine in the parish Mass. During the distribution of Holy Communion a prayer displayed on a screen distinguishes between “sacramental” and “spiritual” attendance.

I wonder what Jesus would say. I believe He would have no problem in saying along with us: “This is my body … this is my blood.” I also wonder whether this could not also apply to the large numbers of priestless communities.

I realise that this may challenge the distinctiveness of the clerical profession. But why not in a community-oriented Church of Jesus? What happened in the early church communities?

I am interested in your thoughts?

Musical Reflection

¯ In Christ Alone - a cappela

¯ Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus  -  The Living Stones Quartet

¯ RIP - Gerry Marsden  -  You'll Never Walk Alone

Bits & Pieces

J "If at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way mom told you to in the beginning."
-- Author Unknown


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