Monday, January 4, 2021

Jesus and his first disciples

Just a few thoughts

·         Our mission to evangelise is simple.
It doesn’t need power or authority or special skills.
It just needs our example – the way we live.


ü “Here we have a perfect example of evangelisation. Andrew himself finds Jesus, stays with him, comes to know who he is and then goes to bring his brother to share the experience. It was another “Come and see” situation and Peter the fisherman was hooked!


ü “Because God’s light only comes to us thoroughly mingled with the grubby reality of human life. Why else did he come as an infant? The Christ did not arrive to erase our troubles but to join us in them, to be a quiet light in our darkness, not a blinding replacement for the dark.
So we have to be like the Magi. We have to have our own puzzling, sleepless nights, and we have to search and search, and never ever rest until we see the light as God chose to reveal it.”

The Signs Of The Times

Ø “We need thinkers who see politics as a measure of a nation's morality. We need political saints who will stand up against political insanity, whatever the social martyrdom it may cost themselves.
We need a Congress and its leaders who see differences as our national spiritual strength.”

This is the ending of a substantial article by Sr Joan Chittister about the politics of USA.
Is it equally relevant in reflecting on the politics in Australia?

Musical Reflection

¯ Jesus Light of the World - Burland

¯ Epiphany blessing ('Spirit Song')  --  Notice the saying on the black board in the background – I love it!

¯ What Star Is This

Bits & Pieces

2020 Social Progress IndexHow is Australia doing? Explore here


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