Monday, January 18, 2021

“one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.”

Just a few thoughts

·        Can it be said that part of the problems of the Church in certain parts of the world where Christians are falling away can be traced to our unwillingness to let go of old wineskins?

·        Jesus was talking about new wineskins 2000 years ago. Now 2000 years later, when life is lived in a vastly different context what would our new wineskins look like? Vatican II is our best pointer, isn’t it?


ü Prayers of the people: Encountering Jesus

ü Perfected Revelation - A Sunday Reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Who’s calling?

Musical Reflection

¯ Here I Am, Lord,” Michael Ward

¯ The Summons

Bits & Pieces

v  “A day without laughter is a day wasted.”Charlie Chaplin


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