Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Law is for human beings, not human beings for the Law.

Just a few thoughts

·        Pope Francis --  Martin Luther King Jr’s dream “of harmony and equality for all people” is still relevant today

·        Death of Archbishop Philip Wilson  --  Southern Cross

·        Archbishop Coleridge  --  It’s time for bishops to speak up on democracy - Cathnews
One wonders about such statements when there is great urgency required to get their own dysfunctional church hierarchy in order?


Ø There is only one law in our faith: Love one another as I have loved you.

Ø Pope Francis:  We can always praise God, whose love never fails

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Charity workers gather to farewell a stranger

Ø Love Is the Protagonist  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Ø We're Afraid  --  Tim Winton

....We're afraid. Terrified. This big, brash wealthy country.
We have an irrational phobia. We're afraid of strangers. Not rich strangers. No. The ones who frighten us out of our wits are the poor strangers. People displaced by war and persecution.
We're even scared of their traumatised children.
And if they flee their war-torn countries in boats, well, then, they're twice as threatening. They send us into wild-eyed conniptions. As if they're armed invaders.
But these people arrive with nothing but the sweat on their backs and a crying need for safe refuge.
Yet, they terrify us. So great and so wild is our fear, we can no longer see them as people, as fellow humans.

Musical Reflection

¯ We Are Many Parts

¯ Oh the Love of My Lord is the Essence

¯ The Love of the Lord

Bits & Pieces

v   “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.”– Dorothy Parker

v  1887  --  First express train to Melbourne


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