Monday, December 21, 2020

- While busily preparing for Christmas, let’s focus on following the signs as did Zechariah, Mary and the shepherds, meeting the practical needs of others as did Mary and Joseph.

Just a few thoughts

·         So here we are in beautiful Port Elliot and it is raining!
A Christmas Tree was set up with great care and joy with the awesome help of grandchildren or should I speak the truth and say – It was set up by the grandchildren with the interference of the adults!

·         Pope Francis:
Nothing in nature lives for itself.

The rivers do not drink their own water;

the trees do not eat their own fruit;

the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.

Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you. ...


ü  At Christmas we will sing about joy and peace and goodwill. Let’s pray that we will not cheapen and corrupt these priceless realities.

ü  Sunday’s Homily  - Fr Frank Brennan

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Waiting with hope for Church renewal.

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ May the Feet of God Walk with You

Bits & Pieces

v  1916 -  Captain Charles Sturt

v  1817 -  Governor Macquarie recommends the use of the name 'Australia' instead of New Holland for the continent.


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