Tuesday, December 22, 2020

My Soul Magnifies The Lord

Just a few thoughts

·         Shucks! Cloud prevented us from seeing the conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn last night.
But today it is not raining.
We will explore the wonders of Horseshoe Bay today.


ü  The Drummer Boy – Fr Paschal Kearney

ü  Christmas 2020 ‘a chance to help others without complaining’ – Pope Francis

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Let the Earth Rejoice! - Dr Sandie Cornish, Office for Social Justice

Ø  Encountering God on the street - Columban eBulletin

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

Here is a nice French Christmas song   And here is a link to an English translation.

¯ It's Christmas Every Day- author - Odette Vercruysse

¯ Magnificat gregoriano

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