Friday, December 4, 2020

Soon we will celebrate the birth of Christ, the Light of the world.

Just a few thoughts

·         Poldi Mimovich

·         Small Acts of Kindness Reduce the Likelihood of Loneliness
So I got this message in my email box. It is very timely at this time of the year. I must make it a part of my New Year Resolutions, but starting right now in the festive season!

J Have regular contact with a neighbour

J Show care and concern for a neighbour

J Help a neighbour

J Provide advice or helpful information to a neighbour

J Contribute to a larger neighbourhood effort, action, or activity


ü  They have gained in-sight. They can really see. They can see who Jesus really is, the Word of God, the Action of God and they simply have to share that experience with everyone else. It is not something that they can keep to themselves.

ü  Our wounds, our gifts, and our power to heal others  -  Fr Ron Rolheiser

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Freedom & Equality Aren’t Enough is a reflection on the encyclical Fratelli tutti, of Pope Francis.
I think it makes many very good observations.  

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Creator of the Stars of Night

¯ Bring Forth the Kingdom

¯ Ave Maria – a Russian Orthodox version by Rachmaninov - Bogoroditse Dyevo

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