Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Have I discovered my purpose? Am I willing to make God a priority in my life?

Just a few thoughts

·         A great day yesterday at the waterside.
Today we target a cherry farm and the Willunga Farmers Market

·         What Christmas Might Also Mean. - Fr Paschal Kearney

My "home" church - The Birth of John The Baptist


ü  The Key of DavidBy Fr Richard Leonard

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Pope Francis warns Vatican officials their conflicts polarize Catholic Church

Ø  A joyful, hope-filled & servant Community? - Columban eBulletin

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Messiah - For unto us a child is born

¯ When Love Was Born

Bits & Pieces

1881 - Gilberton

1901  --  Enactment of Immigration Restriction Act (White Australian Policy)

1996 -  Wik High Court decision

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