Saturday, December 12, 2020

As disciples of Jesus, we too can expect to have to face challenges, opposition and perhaps hardships.

Just a few thoughts

·         I thought I might have received a reaction or two regarding the thoughts about the Plenary Council…..
Yesterday I was speaking with a nun about the Plenary Council and she was enthusiastically sharing with me the establishment of a South Australian group whose focus is to seek change in the Church in order to make it more relevant in the world of today. She promised to send me contact details.

·         This might be of interest to people. Voitre Marek is the artist who did our Stations of the Cross, Altar Rails, Crucifix etc. Thank you Sue for this information
An exhibition of Voitre Marek and his brother will be held in the middle of 2021. Here is some background of their lives. More information will be presented later.

·         The Southern Cross is included in today’s Advertiser. It includes a story about a golfer by the name of Miep Bosch!


ü  Living Space

ü  Good News

ü  Christ Is Born in Creation  -  Fr. Richard Rohr

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Wait for the Lord

¯ In the Lord I'll be ever thankful

Bits & Pieces

v  1831: Founding of Sisters of Mercy by Catherine McAuley

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