Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Being a follower of Jesus can never be a part-time affair.

Hello Tranmere community.

CathNews yesterday published the following:

§  Catholic sector calls for more at-home care


Ø  To give up your agenda is give yourself up

Ø  Living Space

Ø  A Church on the Margins  --Fr Richard Rohr

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Will you come and follow me

¯ Come and Follow Me

Bits & Pieces

v  On 30 September 1884 South Australia’s first and only warship, Protector, arrived at Port Adelaide

v  1791 - The opera The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart premiered in Vienna.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Guardian Angels

 Hi Tranmere community.

To me it is weird that angels are called saints. They are defined as messengers from God.
Can you think of any humans who could be called angels [messengers] from God?


Sue has drawn attention to a CathNews article that appeared yesterday.
Change to prayers during Mass due in November
My first reaction was Oh wow, a modernisation of the Mass……..
But alas it was all about just 1 word!!
I must admit that the change of a word in the ending of a prayer is not an action that I am looking for from this institution.
It isn't going to bring droves back to church!
There are many other things that probably could help this institution to survive........
What do you think?


Good News

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

Guardian Angel from Heaven so bright.

If God Will Send His Angels – U2 with a modern song about angels.

Bits & Pieces

The largest single massacre in the history of the Holocaust begins.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Which of them was the most important?

Hello Tranmere Community.
I hope today’s reflections and stories will be inspiring.


World Day of Migrants and Refugees – Fr Frank Brennan

"What is your opinion? A man had two sons…"  Sunday homily

Good News

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

Took The Children Away

There Is a Garden

Bits & Pieces

1983 – John Pat  the story; and the poem/song

1900 - Whyalla

1872 -  Birth of David Unaipon – the man on the $50 note

Sunday, September 27, 2020

“Forced Like Jesus Christ to Flee”

Greetings Tranmere community.

It appears that yesterday's post did not get published - oops. I will add it in today.

ü  Today is Migrant & Refugee Sunday. Australia has a shameful reputation in dealing with refugees.

ü  Today we also celebrate the life of the inspirational St Vincent de Paul


Ø  What counts is not whether you say Yes or No, but what you do. 

Ø  God's Justice

Ø  Motivation

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Open My Eyes – Mary McKillop College Music Group – Synergy

¯ Gathered For The Journey – Peter Kearney composition celebrating St Vincent de Paul Society

¯ Music in solidarity

Bits & Pieces

v  On St Bernards Road we find the Magill campus of University of South Australia. There we find ‘Murray Park’ house.


Saturday September 26 - The disciples were not prepared for the Passion of Jesus

Greetings Tranmere community.

The Gospel today is very challenging!


Living Space
The disciples were not prepared for the Passion of Jesus. Are we prepared for the Passion that so many people endure today and every day?

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

Whatsoever You Do

Whatsoever You Do To The Least Of My People  -  instrumental

Be Thou My Vision  -  Beverley is a beautiful town in Yorkshire. I have had the privilege to visit the Minster a number of times and also to climb to the top of the tower. Awesome!

Bits & Pieces

 The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
“In each of our faith communities, we believe we are called to pursue peace and to love and care for all humanity and all creation. Collectively, our faith leads us to reject weapons designed to cause mass death and destruction and instil terror and fear. It is this faith that compels us to act for the eradication of weapons of mass destruction.”

Australian Faith Leaders’ Letter to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition, August 2020. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

"Who do you say I am?"


Hello Tranmere community.
There are so many stories I want to share with you, but I know we all have our limits!!!

Sursum Corda

ü  Good News - What is the difference between those two questions, "Who do the crowds say I am?" and "Who do you say I am?" In a word, the difference is suffering. To answer the first, you only need to be a journalist; to answer the second, you need to put your cards on the table – or rather, your life on the line. Journalists maintain a distance from their material; they are expected to do so. But a believer is personally involved even to the inmost part of his or her being. The word 'to suffer' means 'to allow'; to allow faith to penetrate you is to suffer; it is to lose that arm's-length that the journalist maintains so carefully.

ü  We are bombarded daily with news that challenges us and makes us feel uneasy and anxious
Good news stories are overlooked. But here the ABC has come to the rescue once again!
Have you heard of OZHARVEST? It is a fantastic organisation! On ABC iview have a look at the story. It is awe-inspiring! It starts at 21:49 in the video.


“I would go so far as to say that the proof that you are a mature Christian is that you can see Christ everywhere else. Authentic God experience always expands your seeing and never constricts it. What else would be worthy of God? In God you do not include less and less; you always see and love more and more. And it is from this place that we lose any fear we have about entering into discussion, prayer, and friendship with people of other faith traditions.”
     Fr Richard Rohr

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ With all the restrictions due to the C-Virus our choir has been well and truly hamstrung! It has been very time consuming to present hymns each Sunday. We are very happy for volunteers who have now stepped up to give us a break!
We have volunteers who create the PowerPoint presentation each week.
We have volunteers who select appropriate songs each week; edit them and modify them to fit our Eucharistic Celebration and embed them into the PowerPoint presentation.
We have the volunteers who face the challenge of operating the laptop that will make the presentation run perfectly smoothly during Mass.
We say a big Thank You to them all.
Come Sing A Song Of Joy

¯ The Summons

Bits & Pieces

v  What Do I Care Most About?
What do I care most about—in my vocation, in my family life, in my heart and mind? This is a conversation that we all must have with ourselves at every stage of our lives, a conversation that we so often don't want to have. We will get to it, we say, when the kids are grown, when there is enough money in the bank, when we are retired, perhaps when we are dead; it will be easier then. But we need to ask it now: What can I be wholehearted about now?   - David Whyte

v  Yesterday was World Maritime Day
Shipping has continued to transport more than 80% of world trade, including vital medical supplies, food and other basic goods that are critical for the COVID-19 response and recovery.
The COVID-19 pandemic has also highlighted the professionalism and sacrifice of the two million seafarers who serve on the world’s merchant fleet. - António Guterres – UN

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Suffering and death will be the lot of Jesus' disciples, just as it is the lot of Jesus himself

Greetings Tranmere community.
Today’s gospel has a sense of dread about it. As Christians we know that we are following in the footsteps of Jesus.

I am quite surprised that there were no reactions to yesterday’s blog. Do not be afraid!
Today I am once again focused on the readings of the day.

Today at Cathnews there a number of interesting topics. Please have a look.


Ø  Good News – short and sharp!

Ø  Discipleship and the Cross – a much deeper reflection!


The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Eucharist Watt    [audio only]

¯ In Every Age

¯ We must be honest and humble about this: many people of other faiths, like Sufi masters, Jewish prophets, many philosophers, and Hindu mystics, have lived in light of the Divine encounter better than many Christians. And why would a God worthy of the name God not care about all of God’s children? (Read Wisdom 11:23–12:2 for a powerful Scripture in this regard.) Does God really have favorites among God’s children? What an unhappy family that would create—and indeed, has created.Fr Richard Rohr

Bits & Pieces

v  1898 – The birth of Lord Howard Florey

v  1928 - The Coniston Massacre

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The World Around Us

 Greetings Tranmere community.

Today’s topics are about current affairs!
They focus on issues that are raised by various Catholic sources.
Enjoy!   Your thoughts/feedback are very, very welcome!

Ø  There have been some reports published yesterday that have challenged our understanding of Australian values and ethics. So we have chosen some reflections about issues that are confronting us.
During September our focus is on the Season of Creation.
God’s love is the fundamental moving force in all created things.” 
Pope Francis.
Uncle Bob Randall, a Yankunytjatjara elder and traditional owner of Uluru, explains how an awareness of the connectedness of every living thing, calls us to be responsible and care for the land with unconditional love and responsibility.  View the video – The Land Owns Us

Ø  Did you know that the Australian government is planning to have a nuclear waste dump in South Australia?
South Australians have not been consulted. The traditional owners of the area have not been listed to.
Sr Michele Madigan summarises the latest developments. We urge you to read this. The federal nuclear dump is a national issue

Ø  Another issue that confronts us is the case of a Sri Lankan refugee who has now been in detention for 11 years!
Sr Elizabeth Young. A South Australian Sister of Mercy has been involved in this case.
Mercy Sister calls for release of Sri Lankan refugee

These are real world stories challenging us just as much as the parables of Jesus. How would Jesus react to these issues?

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Eagles Wings - Andersen

¯ Eagle - Abba

Bits & Pieces

v  OG Road – Osmond Gilles – some character

v  Lawyer and judge Roma Mitchell becomes the first female judge in Australia

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

To abide by the Word. It is not enough to hear the Word; we must put it into action if we want to become God's relatives.

Hi Tranmere community.
We are home again in recovery mode!
What a privilege it is to be a grandparent – you are able to leave and recover!


ü  My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Lift Up Your Hears To The Lord

¯ In Christ Alone

Bits & Pieces

v  World Car-Free Day    Think about it!

v  Have you ever experienced staying overnight at one of the Burra miners cottages near the Burra Creek?
Here is an article from 1849 about living in Burra Creek dug outs.

Monday, September 21, 2020

International Day of Peace

Hello Tranmere community.
We found some thought-provoking links to the theme of Peace.

Sursum Corda

ü  International Day of Peace

ü  The work of peace

ü  Shaping Peace Together

ü  International Day of Peace - A Song of Peace


Ø  Service, not Envy

Ø  Fr Frank Brennan Homily

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ A song of peace

¯ International Peace Day

Bits & Pieces

v  The adoption of the name Australia for the continent

Sunday, September 20, 2020

My thoughts are not your thoughts, my ways are not your ways


If the land-owner, out of wider social concern, chooses to pay what social justice today would call 'a living wage', those who worked all day have no grounds for resentment. They are reasoning out of an understanding of rewards tied to deserts on a strictly individualist basis. His procedure sees the workers as a community, all of whom should be objects of social concern.

Hello Tranmere Community.
Greetings from Wallaroo, where adorable grandkids are tiring us out mercilessly!!!


Wouldn’t it be good if women’s wages were looked at justly?

ü  Good News

ü  God's Justice

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Song of Joy

¯ I thought this might be an apt tune today - Fanfare For The Common Man

Bits & Pieces

v  1863 – Death of Jacob Grimm

v  1880 - Australian pioneer in physical therapy for polio sufferers, Sister Elizabeth Kenny, is born.

v  1937 - English writer J.R.R. Tolkien's ‘The Hobbit’, a coming-of-age fantasy that became a classic, was published.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

"Let anyone with ears to hear listen!"

What Soil Am I?

Hello Tranmere community.
Greetings from Wallaroo
We celebrated the 40th birthday of our ‘baby’!!!
This morning we have big drops of water falling from above – free water!!


Ø  Good News

Ø  Restorative Justice-6

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Listen, God Is Calling

¯ Born To Be Alive

Bits & Pieces

On This Day

Friday, September 18, 2020

The many women travelling in the company of Jesus.

Greetings Tranmere community.

I often wonder why our society accepts that it is OK to pay women less than men for doing similar work…….


Ø  Good News

Ø  Living Space

Ø  Restorative Justice-5

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Companions On The Journey

Bits & Pieces

v  We do struggle to keep a common sense attitude focussed on the common good during these testing times.
Land of the free, home of the self-centered

v  Some people can’t cope. So the question is asked…………
Were You an A*sehole Back Then?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

“Beyond any doubt she is the Church.”

Greetings Tranmere community.

I have the following items for you.
I hope that they are inspirational for you.

v  Melburnians suffering from 'deprivation in sacramental life’

v  Catholic Health Australia rejects the proposed euthanasia legislation and says its members remain more committed than ever to delivering compassionate end-of-life care

v  Creation must be 'protected, not exploited'


Ø  “Beyond any doubt she is the Church.”

Ø  Restorative Justice-4

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ All That I Am

¯ Kyrie Eleison, Gregorian Chant

Bits & Pieces

J  From a church noticeboard - Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all the help they can get. 

J  A medical joke - A mother visited a pharmacy and said, “I’d like to buy some vitamins for my young son.”
“Vitamin A, B or C?” asked the pharmacist.
The mother replied, “It doesn’t matter. He can’t read yet.”

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sometimes you meet human beings who really lift your spirit

Hello Tranmere community.

I am reflecting on a number of wonderful people who have passed away in recent times.
Maureen Green and Joe Garreffa were people close to me. In their own unique ways they presented incredible faith journeys for us to take to heart.
I offer this song in their memories. It is a translation of a song that has become hugely inspirational in the Netherlands. I Will Be There by Sela. It is a powerful song!


Ø  Sometimes you meet human beings who really lift your spirit

Ø  What comparison can I use for this people?

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Lead Me Lord - Wesley

Bits & Pieces

¯ Maria Callas, operatic soprano, died in 1977 aged 53

J  Medical joke  - Two psychiatrists passed each other in the street.
One said to the other, “You’re fine, how am I?”

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Lady of Sorrows

All along Jesus' public life, the Virgin Mary will experience great sufferings upon seeing Jesus rebuked and threatened with death by the city authorities.

Hello Tranmere community.
Our reflections connect to last Sunday.

Ø  Homily by Fr Frank Brennan

Ø  The Challenge of Forgiveness

Ø  Restorative Justice 3

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Morning Has Broken

¯ Credo

Bits & Pieces

J  Medical joke - What do you get when you mix an insomniac, an agnostic and a dyslexic?
Someone lying awake at night wondering about the true meaning of dog.

J  From Church notices - For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs

Monday, September 14, 2020

“Dying, you destroyed our death; rising you restored our life.”

Greetings Tranmere community.
I have few words today, but a powerful reflection and an awesome oratorio!

The Holy Cross

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

1741 - Georg Friedrich Handel finishes composing his Oratorio, "Messiah".
Handel's Messiah Live from the Sydney Opera House