Monday, August 31, 2020

The spirit of the Lord is upon me


Greetings Tranmere Community.
Enjoy the last day of winter. Blossoms are popping up everywhere-wonderful.

Sursum Corda!

ü  Catholic Social Justice Statementcommentary from Fr Andrew Hamilton

ü  “The Gospel reading invites us to become uncomfortable, to embody the Christ who, like Jeremiah, is on the margins. The Jesus of the Gospels challenges, though not fully, the political, social, cultural and religious structures and attitudes of the day. Horrifically, this work for justice ends in the Christ's death by crucifixion, and today, acts of injustice "crucify" people on the margins every day. The temptation for those who are privileged in any way is to stay comfortable, but the call to the privileged is to act prophetically, to be displaced to the margins, if we are not already there.” – Sr Carol Dempsey      Read the complete reflection here


Ø  In today’s Gospel Jesus states his mission clearly:

To preach the gospel to the poor,

to heal the broken-hearted,

to proclaim liberty to captives and

recovery of sight to the blind,

to set at liberty those who are hurt

and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.

Read the whole reflection

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

Sunday’s music projection did not go quite as planned. Technology can be tricky.
But we keep on learning as we go along.
We love the way the congregation is singing along very quietly. Awesome.

¯  Next Sunday our Entrance Hymn is We Walk By Faith

¯  Songs about Social Justice - God of the Poor 

Bits & Pieces

v  Here is an article about a very inclusive parish. Can we learn from them?

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.

Hi Tranmere community.
Today’s message is incredibly powerful.
Aren’t we all crying for freedom and personal rights, while forgetting about the freedom and rights of our fellow human beings!?
Jesus said: My Ways Are Not Your Ways.

Sursum Corda!

ü  Today is Social Justice Sunday.
The Australian bishops have published the following statement –

To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today

ü  Fr Frank Brennan’s homily is available here


Ø  It is not easy, this business of following Christ.

Ø  What’s in a Name?

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  This Blessing Cup

¯  Take My Hand

Bits & Pieces

J  From the churches…….
Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow


Saturday, August 29, 2020

He was a man of complete integrity and was ready to give his life for truth and justice


Hello Tranmere Community.
We have a number of interesting/challenging topics for you. 

Did you know that every parish is supposed to have a Parish Pastoral Council?

ü  Yes we have one!

Did you know that every diocese is supposed to have a Diocesan Pastoral Council?

û  Oh Oh!  I can’t find one!    We used to have one. What happened?

“There is need for urgent local discernment, consensus and action which cannot and must not be delayed. Many of LSC’s recommendations can be acted on immediately by individual diocesan bishops.  Two clear examples are the establishment of diocesan pastoral councils (most dioceses do not have one) and annual diocesan reports (including financial statements). These and many others can be implemented by local diocesan bishops immediately.

Sursum Corda!

ü  St John The Baptist baptised Jesus. His death is too horrific to contemplate.
In the town of my birth the walls of the church had magnificent inscriptions of The Beatitudes.
The church was dedicated to the Birth of John The Baptist. An inspiring place!


Ø  Martyrdom of John the Baptist

Ø  CathNews has an interesting article about the origin of the Catholic Church.
“How can we be a constructive part of a renewed Church and not initiators of a new church which would, in the end, be our own creation rather than God’s?”

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  This Blessing Cup

¯  On Jordan's Bank

¯  Hymn to St. John the Baptist

Bits & Pieces

J  From the churches…….
“Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.”

Friday, August 28, 2020

Let us learn to live totally in the present, to seek and find God there


Good Morning Tranmere community.
It looks like it is going to be another great spring-like day.
Enjoy it!
I really enjoyed putting together today’s blog.
Please do take your time to absorb the contents.

Sursum Corda!

ü  Feast of Saint Augustine

ü  CathNews - A new website for people searching for spiritual direction
Spiritual Direction


Ø  Carpe diem! - seize the day!

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  Let There Be Peace on Earth

¯  Dona Nobis Pacem

¯  We've got a message

Bits & Pieces

§  Flynn of the Inland

·         Today in 1963  - -Martin Luther King delivers his famous "I have a dream" speech.
1968    -Robert F Kennedy Announcing The Death Of Martin Luther King

Thursday, August 27, 2020

The really good life is based on truth and integrity, on love and compassion and sharing.


Hi everyone.
Another beautiful sunny day to be out in the gardens.

Sursum Corda!

ü  A long walk to freedom.  --   The life and words of Nelson Mandela to guide us through the restrictions on freedoms as we navigate the road ahead.


Ø  Living Space

Ø  Social Justice Sunday

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  The Beatitudes – P Kearney

¯  Down to the River - Virtual Choir

¯  Here it is again sung by a choir in a huge empty grain bin- It starts at about 1:16minutes into the video.

¯  Now for something completely different – Who is the artist?

Bits & Pieces

·         Another Light

Many times the light seems to go out.   But another light,  one held by a stranger or friend, a book or a song, a blackbird or a wild flower, comes close enough so that we can see our path by its light.

  ----Joan Borysenko

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

‘We look at appearances, God looks at the heart’


Hello everyone.
A glorious day to be outside and enjoy the beauty around us.

Sursum Corda!

Ø  Celebrating the Season of Creation


Ø  The Invitation To CourageFr Rolheiser

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  Living Water - Frank Anderson

¯  Gloria in Excelsis Deo -  The Monks of Glenstal Abbey

Bits & Pieces

Today in 2001: MV Tampa rescues 433 asylum seekers from a sinking vessel. Australian Government sends troops to prevent disembarkation.

Today in 1883 the volcano Krakatoa in Indonesia began to erupt, and 36,000 people were killed by the eruption and the resulting tsunami.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Living out the Gospel each day in truth and love.


Hello everyone.

v  We have been reassured that the Reflection published in last Sunday’s bulletin was an error. It was not written by Fr Roy.


ü  Living Space - Let him or her who has never criticised another fellow-Christian cast the first stone!

ü  The Rock of the Church

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  The kingdom of God is justice and joy

¯  Pater Noster · The Monks of Glenstal Abbey

¯  Joe Garreffa is seriously ill – This is a song Joe likes.

Bits & Pieces

·         Power is not for personal enrichment. It is meant for service, a concept totally foreign to many in authority today.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Jesus Wept!


Greetings Tranmere Community.

v  We are deeply troubled!
The Reflection in Sunday’s Bulletin……..   Really?..........
We can’t understand how that article found its way into our Parish Bulletin.
Please provide feedback about how you feel about the article.

Please read again the reflections we provided yesterday. We add another reflection that may be of help -

What would our bishop tell us if he read that reflection in our parish bulletin?

v  We have received today the Australian bishops’ edited version of the Report on Church Governance. The original report contained over 80 recommendations that needed to be addressed in response to the Royal Commission. The bishops decided that they wanted to edit this report! They wanted not to listen, but to have the final say!
The highly respected Fr Frank Brennan has provided the following detailed commentary.
 ‘The Light from The Southern Cross: Promoting Co-Responsible Governance in the Catholic Church in Australia’.
Fr Frank’s commentary ends with the following statement:- Let’s maintain our faith and our hope that “the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it” and that it cannot be undermined from within. 

Catholic leaders shine light on Church governance  - from CathNews

These  items are so important to study and reflect on that we are not offering any other articles today.

Please do not be afraid to share your thoughts.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Who do you say that I am?

 Hello Tranmere community.

Yesterday I saw a cartoon in which a boy and a horse were looking at the sky.
“Those are dark clouds,” said the boy.
“Yes, but they will move on,” said the horse, “the blue sky above never leaves.”
Not a bad way to look at God ‘s Love.

Sursum Corda!

ü  "You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space."
-- Johnny Cash


Ø  The Good News

Ø  It Takes Two

Ø  The Width of Our Ecclesial Embrace

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  How Rich Are The Depths Of God Audio only

¯  The Beatitudes · The Monks of Glenstal Abbey

¯  Forty-Five Alive

Bits & Pieces

§  Song writer Peter Kearney has posted a song called “Signs Of Hope”. Sounds like a very appropriate title at this time.
However the song was written in 1985 for the visit to Australia of Dom Hélder Câmara (1909 –1999)
He was a Brazilian Catholic Archbishop who was an advocate of liberation theology. He is quoted as having said, "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist."

Dom Hélder spoke at the Sydney Opera House in 1985 and for that evening Peter was asked to provide some music with his group 'Crossover'. The song 'Signs of Hope, based on his writings' was written especially for that occasion.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”


Hello Tranmere Community.
As I was reading the last Parish Bulletin it struck me that most of the information was about other places rather than activities in our parish.
One item was about Pastoral Care in Parish and Community Life.
A meeting at the Sacred Heart Church Parish meeting rooms led by Margaret Speechley on Sunday August 23 from 4pm –5pm. I do not know where this parish is, but the contact details are - Fr Roderick O’Brien on P: 8449 6378.


Living Space
The greatest is the one who serves, that is, the person who uses his or her gifts for the benefit of others, whose whole life is dedicated to making this world a better place for others to live in.

The Good News
 ‘Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled….’ I wish everyone might hear this, and most of all deacons, priests and bishops.”

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

I love the sound of The Monks of Glenstal Abbey - The Beatitudes

Remember Pete Seeger? Here is an old protest song spruced up - We Shall Overcome

Bits & Pieces

Today is Earth Overshoot Day
Earth Overshoot Day is the day when humanityʼs demands for ecological resources (such as water, fish and other living creatures, forests and soil), exceeds what the Earth can renew in a year. This is driven by our attitudes and disconnect towards the Earth, our common home that God created and entrusted to our care.
Collectively, we are overconsuming, overexploiting and de-stabilising Godʼs Creation. This has upset its delicate balances and recovery processes. We see this in increasingly ʻunprecedentedʼ fires, drought and extreme weather.
Information Sheet

Friday, August 21, 2020

“Love one another as I have loved you”


Greetings Tranmere community.
40C at Mt Lofty at 10am. Too warm for snow!

An interesting thing happened the other day. This blog received an advertisement from an online holy goods store in Italy!

Sursum Corda!

Ø  In our lives we are always presented with the competing demands of our own needs and desires and the decision to put others first.
Jesus offered us a guide to this conundrum in the Golden Rule, ‘In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.’

Ø  Prioritising the poor isn’t political, it’s the Gospel: Pope Francis


ü  Living Space

ü  The Good News

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  I have looked far and wide for an impressive version of the hymn Go Now You Are Sent Forth.
Perhaps you may be able to find just that version. Here is the best I could find

¯  Our prayers may not always be eloquent, well written or spoken, but as Mother Teresa once said, ” Do it anyway.”
Often, we just need to be still with God. The following link is a beautiful meditation on being still. Be Still

Bits & Pieces

§  Over the past year in particular, Australian Catholics have become convinced that their bishops, with some exceptions, are playing games with them in the lead up to the national Plenary Council which is now scheduled to start in October 2021. Some believe, not unreasonably, that important stages in the process have been closely micro managed and that the outcomes of the Plenary may have been determined already. – David Timbs

Thursday, August 20, 2020

For many are called, but few are chosen.

Hello Tranmere Community.

Sursum Corda!

Ø  Knowing the community whom we are called to serve
How well do we know the people who come to Mass?
How well do we know those beyond the worshipping community?
In our mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, we are called to engage with the hopes and struggles of those in our local context.
In this time of Covid-19, the need to connect has become even more pronounced.
This webinar, led by the National Centre for Pastoral Research, addresses these questions, and ways we can be informed and supported, drawing upon the Parish Social Profiles and in dialogue with community leaders.


§  The Good News

      This Gospel confuses and scares me!
The people who were obliged to attend the wedding feast did not turn up, because they did not agree with the king’s leadership. So the king coerced others to attend instead. Some, or one coerced attendant specifically did not know there was a protocol to follow as a guest and got thrown out.
Didn’t that king have problems?!

§  Living Space

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  The Lord Is My Shepherd - Boniwell

¯  Here Comes The Sun – The Beatles

¯  OK let’s have it again. Your turn this time.

Bits & Pieces

The past is history
The future is mystery
But the moment right now is a gift:
That's why they call it the present!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Give me this day my daily bread


Hello Everyone.
The days are getting longer, and the blossoms are popping up, but bbrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Sursum Corda!

The Good News

I suppose this parable is an example of a “universal basic income”, where all receive the means to provide for themselves and their families.


Living Space

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

We Are Called – audio track

Shower The People --  James Taylor

Bits & Pieces

Poverty is a policy choice, made for the poor by the affluent

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

To be rich in the Gospel means refusing to share what you have with those who have not.

 Hello Tranmere Community

What a glorious morning in Wallaroo!

Southern Cross - Church gives evidence to SA inquiry into euthanasia


ü  Living Space

ü  “Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.”– Brian Tracy

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  Create A New Heart

¯  Adelaide Guitar Festival – Backstage Session 6

Bits & Pieces

The powerless suffer and the powerful carry on amid Covid-19

Monday, August 17, 2020

Then come, follow me

 Hello Tranmere Community.
Greetings from childminders in Wallaroo!
So we shall be brief!


Ø  Living Space

Ø  Good News

Ø  Homily by Fr Frank Brennan on the feast of the Assumption of Mary

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

The Magnificat - All that I am - David Haas

Take This Moment - John Bell

Bits & Pieces

On this day in 1945 English author George Orwell published Animal Farm, an anti-utopian satire that became a classic.  How close are we getting to just such a situation in today’s world? YouTube has the 1999 movie version available.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

God’s kingdom includes all.


Hello Tranmere Community.

What a lovely foggy morning!

Sursum Corda!

ü  She was faith-driven and insistent!
If this link does not work just copy and paste it into the Google Search Box

ü  Beyond the Boundaries


Ø  The Good News

Ø  Living Space

Ø  Jesus heals the daughter of the Canaanite woman because of her great faith.

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  Amazing Grace

¯  Take My Hand, Precious Lord 

¯  From Little Things Big Things Grow

Bits & Pieces

§  Podcast - Greenacres Walkerville & North Adelaide/Prospect parishes

§  "I am thankful the most important key in history was invented.
It's not the key to your house, your car, your boat, your safety deposit box, your bike lock or your private community. It's the key to order, sanity, and peace of mind. The key is 'Delete.'"
-- Elayne Boosler

§  This day in 1977 Elvis Presley died.

§  This day in 1975 Gough Whitlam symbolically hands over land to the Gurindji people after the 8-year Wave Hill walk-off, a landmark event in the history of Indigenous land rights in Australia