Saturday, August 24, 2024

St Bartholomew

Just a few thoughts

·        "You are perfect exactly as you are. With all your flaws and problems, there's no need to change anything. All you need to change is the thought that you aren't good enough." -- J. Cole

·        That the courage of St Bartholomew, who faced a most painful martyrdom, may be a particular encouragement for those who are imprisoned and tortured for their Christian faith today.

·        We pray for composers, musicians and singers, that their gifts will help the baptised to sing the song of the Spirit that is in their hearts.


ü Bartholomew and Nathanael

ü Come and See

ü Peter’s Choice – Reflection for next Sunday

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The dignity of difference

Ø Called to be peacemakers

Musical Reflection

¯ Make Us True Servants

¯ Make Your Heart Your Dwelling Place

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