Friday, May 10, 2024

Your sorrow will turn into joy

Just a few thoughts

·       There are still places where the parish priest sees himself as the pope of his parish. But the church confers the gift of infallibility on only one of its members, and then only under strictly limited conditions. And if even a pope relies on several consultative councils to help him make his decisions, how much more should a parish priest listen to those he has been sent to serve?" -- Tomas Halik

·       We pray that the sorrow carried by so many people in our own communities and across the world will be lifted by the risen Jesus so that his inner joy will be their strength.


ü Faith is something you do and afterwards talk about if you must.

ü Death will be transformed to become life anew.

ü Who Fills All Things – Next Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Women who shape our lives

Ø Gaza war started on 7 October 2023. Now 7 months later the Australian bishops finally make a statement

Musical Reflection

¯  Christ Has No Body Now But Yours

¯  Kyrie eleison

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