Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Our capacity for love and compassion


Just a few thoughts

·       Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible” -- Audrey Hepburn

·       We pray for a world-wide awakening to the wonder of creation, that all of humankind will delight in and cherish the gift God has entrusted to our care.

·       That in the leadership of the Church there may be no competition or the seeking of power or privilege, for all have been called to serve after the example of Jesus.


·       Squabbling about rank

·       Effective Communication

·       The Holy Spirit moves us as we nurture a new way of being Church – Pentecost reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The go-between God

Ø Navigating the impacts of generative AI and image-based abuse on children

Musical Reflection

¯  Blessed be the God and Father

¯  Age to Age

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