Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Attentive listening

Just a few thoughts

·       "You have made some mistakes, and you may not be where you want to be, but that has nothing to do with your future." -- Zig Ziglar

·       May those who are ambitious in the Church – in leadership, in parishes, in religious orders, in organisations  –  come to model their lives on Jesus who came among us ‘as one who serves.’

·       May this National Reconciliation Week fill us with a great respect for Indigenous Australians, their culture, traditions and deep spirituality.


ü ‘Authority’ is not to control, but to empower

ü The Sons of Thunder

ü Resetting the Church with the Trinitarian model – Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Pope against the machine

Ø Reconciliation is an ongoing journey

Ø Video – “Occupation: Native”

Musical Reflection

¯  Bread For The World

¯  Ave Verum Corpus

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