Saturday, May 18, 2024

Do all Things with Love

 Just a few thoughts

·        "We each walk different paths, we all have separate mountains to climb. That's not the difference though, the difference is what we do when we reach the top. Some do it with grace and kindly reach down and help another up. Some become privileged and think they are better than those at the bottom, some never reach the top at all but are always in an infinite struggle. I hope that if I ever reach the top of my mountain, that I have the grace and kindness in my heart to help someone climb their own. In doing so I hope to make their climb a little easier, and keep them from sliding back down." – Anon


ü Peter has been given a leadership role in the community

ü I know the way out.

ü The Coming of the Spirit

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Under pressure from High Court and Dutton, government rushes immigration bill

Ø Pope reflects on women’s leadership in TV interview

Musical Reflection

¯ Veni Creator Spiritus

¯ Veni Sancte Spiritus

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