Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Relationship with God

Just a few thoughts

·       "We must remember that our actions toward animals reflect our humanity. It is our responsibility to be compassionate and kind." -- Velma Bronn Johnston

·       "The imperfect project you actually complete is worth more than the perfect project you never finish." -- James Clear

·       World Soil Day - “Soil and water, a source of life”. This day highlights the interdependence across the globe, and especially in Australia because of concerns about the Murray Darling Water Basis so critical to sustain water for drinking, production agriculture and horticulture and a sustainable environment.


ü With privilege comes responsibility

ü Seeking Simplicity

ü Awaken to what God is doing in the world – Last Sunday homily

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Pope Francis urges 'clear,' 'tangible,' 'decisive' progress at UN climate summit

Ø Catholic Religious Australia backs Government’s Fair Work bill

Musical Reflection

¯  Carol at the Manger

¯  Gift of God

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