Wednesday, December 13, 2023

My Burden Is Light

Just a few thoughts

·       While our secular world depicts all manner of evils on the cinema screen, it insists that evil is merely superstition, or the effects of an overactive imagination -- M Humphrys

·       May those who have grown tired and weary with the burdens of  life find in God, who does not grow tired or weary,  the one who gives comfort and strength.


ü My burden is light.

ü The challenges of life are necessary for us to grow and mature.

ü Seeking Rest and Refreshment

ü Where is God in all of this?

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Advent Longing

Ø Sunday Advent 2 Gospel reflection – 12min clip

Musical Reflection

¯  Shout for joy, exult, rise up, glorify the day,

¯  My Soul Magnifies The Lord

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