Thursday, December 14, 2023

If anyone has ears to hear…..

Just a few thoughts

·       Weaknesses are just strengths in the wrong environment -- Marianne Cantwell

·       May our Government, working with others, find new ways to enable people to live in freedom, especially those in refugee camps and detention centres, along with those on temporary visas, anxious about their future,

·       Let us pray for all who dedicate their lives ceaselessly to the work of justice and peace, that their passion for a new world will call us to a change of heart.


ü It is up to us to prepare the way for Christ

ü Discerning the Voice of God

ü God’s gifts of life and love – the antidotes to fear and anxiety – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Pope to choose study topics for next Synod assembly

Ø Jesus has handed over the mission and the mystery and the wonder of the realm of God to each of us. – St Teresa

Musical Reflection

¯  Magnificat

¯  Ave Maria

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