Thursday, December 7, 2023

Advent - listen, speak and act.

Just a few thoughts

·       With our love, we could save the world. -- George Harrison

·       "If you fall down, get up and walk again. If you can't walk, crawl. If that idea fails, have another one. It doesn't happen by accident. It takes a lot of hard work." -- Dick Clark

·       May there be harmony between our words and actions so that in all things we witness to Christ.


ü Our life is not a spectacle to be commented on but a reality to be lived with gusto.

ü It is not enough to wish well; we must also do well.

ü Trusting in the unconditional love of God at Advent – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø We all know about JobKeeper. So how about HomeKeeper?

Ø The warp and weft of human rights

Musical Reflection

¯  Beyond the Moon and Stars

¯  Joy to the World

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