Friday, December 1, 2023

My words will never pass away.

Just a few thoughts

·       Every moment is a fresh beginning. -- T.S. Eliot

·       "Too often, we carry around those things from our past that hurt us the most. Don't let past pain rob you of your present happiness. You had to live through it in the past, and that cannot be changed, but if the only place it lives today is in your mind, then forgive, let go, and be free." -- Doe Zantamata

·       May the Church lead people to understand the purpose of life so that all can welcome the Son of Man when he comes in glory to judge our world.


ü Readiness for the future

ü Certainty

ü Neglecting the Present – Next Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø When law making bastardises the Law

Ø Stay in the present

Musical Reflection

¯  All That We Have

¯  May Your Kingdom Come

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