Saturday, September 2, 2023

Using our God-given talents

Just a few thoughts

·       Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you. -- Walt Whitman

·       Joy is not about happy or unhappy, liking or disliking. Joy is accepting each moment for what it is without contention. We belong to any moment simply by meeting it with joy. This is freedom. Love is the ultimate expression of joy and freedom. Joy, freedom, and love could be considered synonyms for each other, and for belonging. -- Sebene Selassie

·       May each one of us recognise the gifts God has given to us,  appreciate them, and use them responsibility and generously.


ü The more I love the more I am capable of loving

ü To do nothing is not a possible option.

ü My Ways Are Not Your Ways – Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø For me, the choice to vote Yes in the referendum is a simple one.
First Nations people have been here for millennia, and recognition of their culture, history and knowledge is long past due.
The Voice to Parliament is a modest request from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders for meaningful recognition in Australia’s Constitution. If the Referendum succeeds, the Voice will advise Parliament on issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities -- Ebony Bennett, The Australia Institute

Ø We Create Exclusion or Belonging

Musical Reflection

¯  All That I Am

¯  We shall overcome

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