Saturday, September 23, 2023

The seed is the word of God.

Just a few thoughts

·       Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. -- Carol Burnett

·       “Countries only get to make decisions like this once in a lifetime. And it’s your decision. I think all of us know that this cannot be wasted. It must be understood as one of the most important things that we, as a fair nation, can ever do.” -- Peter Garrett

·       May those who have heard the word, but have found it difficult to respond with full hearts, be helped by the Holy Spirit to accept and understand it.


ü Then I may hear the word of God.

ü Consistency Over Intensity

ü What Is Owed to the Laborers – Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø NATSICC Voice Prayer

Ø "I'm voting Yes, and I'm asking that all Australians do too." – Cathy Freeman

Ø Brisbane Archdiocese has unveiled the second iteration of its Reconciliation Action Plan, which covers the period 2023–2025.

Musical Reflection

¯  We Are Called

¯  Voice!

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