Thursday, September 21, 2023

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Just a few thoughts

·       "We should deal with one another not as classes but as persons, as brothers, sisters. The more closely we work together, the more effectively [we can] contribute to the better health of all mankind; this should be our common objective and its achievement would make the world a happier place in which to live." -- Milton S. Hershey

·       No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. -- William Blake

·       May professionals who honour St Matthew as patron - accountants, tax collectors, customs officers and security guards - carry out their duties with honesty and fairness.


ü Matthew wrote his gospel to convince Jews that Jesus was the fulfilment of their prophecies.

ü Grace For All

ü Love, Finally – next Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Imagine a day when the whole planet was at peace

Ø Where are we getting our values these days?

Musical Reflection

¯  Come to the Water

¯  O How Blessed

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