Sunday, September 3, 2023

Fulfilling our mission

Just a few thoughts

·       "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." -- Marthe Troly-Curtin

·       Pilgrimage helps us see that as long as we think happiness is around the corner, we have not grasped happiness yet. Because happiness is given in this moment and this place, and this moment and place are as perfect as they can be.  Richard Rohr

·       May all who feel overwhelmed by the dangers, threats and problems the world faces not succumb to hopelessness but be spurred to positive action.


ü Australian Women Preach

ü The Rock of the Church

ü For everyone

The Signs Of The Times

ü OXFAM - Here are 4 reasons we’ll be voting YES to a Voice to Parliament:

1. Vote YES to give First Nations communities the opportunity to provide the government with feedback on issues that affect them. The government will still be responsible for all laws, programs and funding. The Parliament will still make all decisions.

2. Vote YES to provide more practical solutions to issues faced by First Nations communities, like health, education, jobs and housing.

3. Vote YES to protect the Voice from being discarded by future governments, as advisory bodies have been time and time again. Putting the Voice in the Constitution means that it can always be improved, but never just thrown away.

4. Vote YES because it’s what First Nations communities are asking us to do, because it’s a step in the right direction, where everyone is given a fair go regardless of their background, gender or where they live.

Ø 'Let Justice and Peace flow' says Pope for Season of Creation

Ø The Parable of the Living Wage?

Musical Reflection

¯  Here I Am, Lord

¯  Mission Ration Blues

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