Sunday, September 10, 2023

Our faith life was designed by God to be a community project.

Just a few thoughts

·       We pray for Pope Francis and all who will participate in next month’s Bishop’s Synod – bishops, priests, women and men of Christ’s faithful – that they will pray with sincerity, listen to each other, reflect in sacred silence and walk together for the good of the whole Church.

·       We pray for all Australian citizens as they prepare to vote in the referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, that St Paul’s words - love is the one thing that cannot hurt our neighbour -  will guide our decision.

·       We pray in this month’s Season of Creation for our planet earth and all its peoples, that its theme, Let Justice and Peace Flow, will be realised everywhere.


ü Australian Women Preach

ü Forgiveness

ü You must love your neighbour as yourself. It is… the answer to every one of the commandments."

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Synod will have no place for ideology: Pope Francis

Ø The future of the Catholic Church: Creating unity through diversity

Ø Season of Creation

Musical Reflection

¯  Be Still For The Presence Of The Lord

¯  Get Back To The Land

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