Wednesday, July 26, 2023

What soil am I?

Just a few thoughts

·       "Excitement is a better motivator than discipline. The people who appear to have an exceptional work ethic or remarkable discipline are often those with a genuine curiosity or interest in that area. The person who smiles is more likely to keep working than the person gritting their teeth." -- James Clear

·       If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. -- Wayne Dyer

·       May grandparents be blessed on this day with the love and respect of their grandchildren, as Anne and Joachim were blessed in their grandchild, Jesus.


ü Being Born From Above

ü If our hearts are not soft soil, but hard and stony, the seed of faith lies dormant forever.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø An “eye-opening moment” for many young Catholics in Australia

Ø A great place for Used Stamps

Ø Feast Day of Mary MacKillop – August 8

Musical Reflection

¯  God Gives His People Strength

¯  Our Father in Heaven

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