Saturday, July 1, 2023

Seek and you will find

Just a few thoughts

·       Keep your eyes on the sun, and you will not see the shadows – Indigenous saying

·       Our motto is a united Australia, one that respects the land and the heritage of its Indigenous peoples and provides justice and equity for all.” -- Jackie Huggins

·       Traveler, there are no paths. Paths are made by walking. – Indigenous proverb


ü Making Life Count

ü God is the God of surprises

ü Faith is the only condition necessary

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Respect for our elders

Ø Guide aims to encourage prayer and conversation about the Voice

Ø The Shadow Is a Necessary Teacher

Musical Reflection

¯  One People One Land

¯  To You Oh Lord -- Dolly McGaughey, Torres Strait Islands


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