Thursday, July 20, 2023

A yoke eases a burden

Just a few thoughts

·       "Don't let anyone who hasn't been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces." – Anon

·       "The fact that you are even here, alive, on this planet is a mathematical miracle, and you should not spend the time that you have being busy being miserable." -- Philip DeFranco

·       We pray for those who are over burdened with the worries of life, that through faith they may find courage and hope.

·       The 54th anniversary of the first human person stepping onto the moon. For all nations involved in space exploration and the use of satellites, may the peaceful advancement of knowledge and service always be their motivation.


ü The mysterious workings of God in our lives – Last Sunday

ü There is no security in the ego

ü This lightens our burden and directs our efforts.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Large Australian contingent starts long journey to Lisbon

Ø About The Voice – Frequently Asked Questions

Musical Reflection

¯  I Believe

¯  Love One Another

¯  Sing Gently

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