Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Word and Freedom of Choice

Just a few thoughts

·       "Whatever you do, do it with all your might. Work at it, early and late, in season and out of season, not leaving a stone unturned, and never deferring for a single hour that which can be done just as well now." -- P.T. Barnum

·       Australia generated more single-use plastic waste per capita than any country except Singapore in 2019-20

·       We pray for all who heed the groans of creation. May they call the world to free nature from its bondage to human exploitation

·       That this Nelson Mandela International Day will help us to value his contribution to the culture of peace and freedom, and so to work for those gifts for every person.


ü Yearning for God’s Goodness

ü Today we are so bombarded with sights and sounds that we have to filter out most of what strikes our senses. Dangerous times!

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Bringing laity into Church decision-making process ‘a momentous thing’

Ø Aboriginal leader 'honoured' to attend Synod

Ø The Barngarla People have always opposed a nuclear waste dump being built on their land at Kimba. Today the judgement regarding the Kimba case will be delivered at 10.30am at the Commonwealth Law Courts Building in Adelaide, 3 Angas Street, Adelaide.

Musical Reflection

¯  I Sing the Mighty Power of God

¯  The LORD Is Gracious & Compassionate

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