Wednesday, June 7, 2023

What awaits us in the next life

Just a few thoughts

·       "Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious." -- Thomas Edison

·       The change to our Constitution will rectify over 120 years of explicit exclusion and omission in Australia's founding document. -- Mark Dreyfus

·       May economic systems be thoroughly reformed for all to share fairly in the world’s wealth, resources and power.


ü Father, into your hands I commit my spirit

ü God does indeed write straight with crooked lines!

ü An Indwelling Presence

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Pope Francis, in the spirit of St. John XXIII, has been opening the windows of the Church to allow a fresh breeze in

Ø This year the Vinnies youth conference is focusing on two main areas – finding ways to get more young people aged 18-35 to volunteer with the Society; and looking at ways to increase outreach to young people needing Vinnies services.

Musical Reflection

¯  The Supper Of The Lord

¯  Now in This Banquet

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