Friday, June 9, 2023

Listening with Delight

Just a few thoughts

·       By being yourself you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before. -- Edwin Elliot

·       "You can't change all that is wrong in this great big world, but you can have an impact, even if it is just a tiny, positive impact on a stranger that receives a smile from you on the street today. There's so much we can do for others, and in the end, what we do for others ends up benefiting us tenfold. So let's do this. Let's make our little worlds amazing today." -- Craig Ballantyne

·       May we love truth, and build our parish on the foundation of our shared faith in Jesus Christ.


ü The dance of love that is the Holy Trinity

ü To promote false clarity is to be an enemy of the truth.

ü Listening With Delight

The Signs Of The Times

Ø How we can avoid political misinformation in the lead-up to the Voice referendum

Ø Jesus said to feed the hungry, he really meant it.

Musical Reflection

¯  On Eagle's Wings

¯  Out of the Depths

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