Sunday, June 18, 2023

The church as a field hospital.

Just a few thoughts

·        Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. -- Richie Norton

·        Refugee Week theme -- Finding Freedom – may we all confirm a deep concern for those who by war, violence and persecution, have lost their freedom and live in the poverty of being refugees.

·        May the Christian faith of many refugees bring new life of our parishes, communities and schools, so that they are able to bring a new vibrancy which is born from their steadfastness in times of great difficulties.


ü He was moved with compassion.

ü Homily – Frank Brennan

ü We are not the worst thing that we have done.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Call out hate speech but be compassionate to those who engage in it.

Ø The Voice to Parliament Handbook

Musical Reflection

¯ Christ is made the sure foundation

¯ Fill my house

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