Monday, June 12, 2023

The Beatitudes are the heart of the matter.

Just a few thoughts

·       "I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I'd rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a might have-been has never been, but a has was once an are." -- Milton Berle

·       You can be blessed without knowing it.

·       May each one of us be poor in spirit so that we can use wisely and generously the many gifts of God for the service of others.


ü The 10 Commandments are not so difficult to follow and they can be observed by doing nothing!
The Beatitudes however require action.

ü Sunday Homily – Frank Brennan

ü Sunday Homily -- For the Life of the World

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Once upon a time there was a Rabbi…….

Musical Reflection

¯  Oh wow! I am just too busy listening to ABC Classic FM – The top 100 favourite instruments exposed!!

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