Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Our Hands Reaching Out

Just a few thoughts

·       Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. – Aristotle

·       Parliament has now passed the Referendum legislation. We now have a clear choice. We can vote yes or no and I, unequivocally, will be voting yes. The time for debating the wording, the time for lamenting political processes, that time is over and it’s time for people to try and make a decision in good conscience, whether they’ll vote yes or no. And, for me, it’s a clear yes” – Frank Brennan

·       We pray for all who are working hard for the health of the planet, that their example will inspire the world-wide eco-conversion called for by Pope Francis.


ü Sunday Reflection - Let love flower!

ü Thank God for our limitations

The Signs Of The Times

Ø What the Shadow Reveals

Ø The elusive search for justice

Musical Reflection

¯  The Wonderous News

¯  10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)

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