Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Teaching with authority

Just a few thoughts

·       Without music, life would be a mistake -- Friedrich Nietzsche

·       We pray for the churches of both East and West, that they will bear united witness to the glorious mystery of salvation.

·       "At some point, you realize that happiness is not about getting 'there.' It's about being here. Fully. In joy in the moment. This realization changes everything." -- Doe Zantamata


ü Sometimes preachers disable people, by a habit of denunciation, by forever enjoining obedience, quoting rules.... But see what happens when Jesus comes near people.

ü To Fulfil all Righteousness

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Initial Conversion

Ø Reflections on Pope Benedict

Musical Reflection

¯  Carol of the Epiphany

¯  God Be in My Head

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