Monday, January 2, 2023

A voice crying in the wilderness

Just a few thoughts

·       How strange is the lot of us mortals? Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people. -- Albert Einstein

·       We pray for our families, friends and fellow parishioners, that we will sustain each other with the gift of true companionship throughout this year

·       "Let our New Year's resolution be this: We will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word." -- Goran Persson


·       At a retreat I attended many years ago I learnt to focus on 3 aspects in growing my faith. The 3 cornerstones were to do these regularly and often –

      Study articles about Faith and Catholic Social Teaching
Pray in order to clarify my conscience
Act accordingly in support of the Common Good

I have been reviewing my blogs over the last year and have found that the resources I used most were as follows

SUNDAY REFLECTIONS -- I kept on coming back to the following, because I found them most valuable:

v Australian Women Preach

v Fr Frank Brennan often at Catholic Outlook

v The Sunday Website, although the future of this website is now uncertain while they look for a new webmaster

v National Catholic Reporter


v Christian Art

v Good News Gospel Commentaries

v Evangelisation from Brisbane Diocese

v Living Space

v Centre for Action and Contemplation



v CathNews

v Eureka Street

v Southern Cross

v Catholic Outlook

v National Catholic Reporter

 For more secular sources I have used most often:

v The Conversation

v The Guardian

v ABC News

v Pearls And Irritations


I am going to reduce the size of my daily blog content and encourage you to keep an eye on these above resources.

I would appreciate all feedback that will help me to make this blog more valuable


¯  We Three Kings

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